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Prodražení projektu díky kabeláži a elektromontážním pracím patří minulosti. Díky bezdrátovému systému si můžete přizpůsobit osvětlení podle vašich potřeb kdykoliv a odkudkoliv, včetně míst, která jsou pro běžnou instalaci nedostupná či nebezpečná (mokré prostory, hořlavé podklady, sklo atd.).
We invite you to the Smart Energy Forum 2024, which takes place on 9-10 October 2024 at the exhibition center in Letňany.
We are a purely Czech company that was founded in 1990. We are one of the leading manufacturers of wireless control systems with our own development base. Our portfolio includes systems for light and shade control, wireless sensors, switches and receivers, thermostats, programmable contact-making clocks and dimmers. We are also exclusive distributors of a whole range of renowned international companies supplying lighting appliances and electrical components. Our portfolio includes brands such as Waldmann, PiL, Spittler, Carlo Gavazzi, Omega, Italtronic and other.